- Shelley delves into how Frankenstein's work in the academic world comes from his desire for knowledge. He states how he seeks the 'secrets of heaven and earth' this statement shows how Frankenstein wants to obtain the secrets of not just this world but a world unknown to man. This is knowledge that is above the knowledge of normal folk almost as if he wants to become superior than a normal man. This straight away draws resemblance to another gothic text, Christopher Marlowe's 'Dr. Faustus' in it the main character Faustus also wants to obtain knowledge above man, Faustus states how he wants to be 'how jove is in the sky' this shows how he wants to be almost godlike, which is quite a sacrilegious thought when you take into account the audience at the time. This is similar to Frankenstein's actions later when creating the creature. Both texts show how there characters fell from grace due to transgressing boundaries.
-The arrogance of Frankenstein is also introduced. He seems to despise his peers who stick to the framework they have been given and compares them to little kids 'picking up shells' rather than explore the seas. Frankenstein has a obvious sense of superiority and feels he is above them.
Good links with later in the novel. Good, concise notes.